
How to Stay Connected When Dating a Filipino Woman

A photo of a woman smiling at the camera while on her phone Know how to sustain your relationship with a Filipino woman with the help of the following tips.

A conventional relationship is hard enough. Thus, one can only imagine how much harder it would be to be part of one that’s long-distance. If you’re dating a Filipino woman, then you probably understand. Since most foreigners have to visit the Philippines to meet an ideal Filipina they’d like to date, they will soon become aware that being in a relationship with one will result in a confusing and frustrating mess of timezones and missed connections.

Not that being constantly frustrated is completely indicative of what it’s like dating a Filipina. It’s just that a long-distance relationship usually comes with a whole host of problems, and dating a Filipina is going to be no different. But if you want to keep your ties with your Pinay girlfriend intact, here are some important factors to take note of:

  1. Nerve-Wracking

    One of the most common problems of a long-distance relationship is insecurity. No one can ever be sure if their partner is faithful to them or not. It can happen in a conventional relationship as well, but there’s just more opportunity to cheat if your partner is thousands of miles away.

    Luckily, the culture of the Philippines is pretty conservative and traditional, so infidelity should be the least of your worries. If you’re wondering what to say to a Filipina girl, the question of whether or not she’s been faithful shouldn’t be too high up on your list.

  2. A Thousand Miles

    Of course, even if she’s completely faithful, there’s still the matter of distance to deal with. Sure, you may have an endgame in mind with regards to where you’ll both be residing in the future. But until then, you’ll have to keep your romance alive. After all, a flame that isn’t kindled can be reduced to a spark before it extinguishes itself entirely.

  3. Sending Some Sweets

    The modern Filipino woman isn’t materialistic. But of course, Filipinas will appreciate it when a box of goods arrives in the mail for them. It doesn’t matter if the box is full of household items, snacks, or sweets. They’ll just love that you put thought into getting them something even though you’re far away from each other.

    Know that most Filipinas have a sweet tooth. Even the savory dishes in the Philippines are noticeably sweeter than they’re supposed to be. So maybe pack some candy or chocolates in a box for your lover. She and everyone she chooses to share them with will surely appreciate it.

  4. Modern Advancements

    Technology has made communication over vast distances easier than it used to be. Keeping in touch is one of the most basic things to do in a long-distance relationship. So it’s no longer difficult to set a schedule that’s doable for both of you, considering your disparate time zones. Make sure to take advantage of the internet with video chatting as well.

    A lot of men who date Filipinas find them through the internet, and you can trust that the internet can also help keep them together.

  5. A Sight for Sore Eyes

    Seeing each other every now and then also helps. Just because you two aren’t ready to live together and settle down doesn’t mean you can’t see each other from time to time. You can meet up, go on dates, and enjoy doing things that couples usually do. This will definitely help remind you of why you decided to make your relationship work in the first place. And it’s also one of the first few steps in making a relationship last.

Relationships are hard and distance can only make it even harder. If you think you can find a Filipino woman who can make all the hard work and effort worth it, then distance will never be a hindrance in the type of relationship you long to have. Simply keep the aforementioned tips in mind to have a better understanding on how you can further take care of your loving relationship with a Filipina.


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