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Lover’s Day Dating Advice: What Filipino Women Expect on a First Date

Do you know what Filipino women expect when dating foreign men?

Let’s find out together.

A Filipino woman sitting on the grass while staring straight at the camera. Here is a list of dating advice for guys who are dating Filipino women.

National Lover’s Day is right around the corner. If you’ve got yourself a first date with a Filipina, best of luck. However, before you go on your date, you need to know how to make a good impression.

Don’t worry though. Here is some free dating advice to help you make a lasting impression on your Filipina date:

Look Presentable

Looking good plays a factor in the success of your first date. But this doesn’t mean that you need to go all out. You don’t have to look like any famous actor or a runway model. You just have to know how to present yourself well.

Here are a few things to consider:

  • Personal grooming is important.

How you treat yourself speaks volumes. Focus on your personal hygiene. Get a clean haircut. Whiten your teeth. Cut your nails. Apply deodorant.

Remember, when you feel clean, you look clean.

  • Show off your style.

Make yourself presentable. Iron your clothes. Choose shoes that match your style. Get an outfit that you are comfortable with. Choose clothes that truly show your true self.

  • Spray your finest perfume.

Applying a decent amount of mild perfume adds charm. It helps in getting her attention all throughout your date. However, don’t spray too much. Just spray the right amount. This way, she won’t get distracted by your overflowing scent.

Treat your date as an interview. Look presentable. Show that you know how to take care of yourself. Dress to impress. Get her attention with your perfume. Remember, this is a very universal dating advice for a reason.

Be on Time

Have you heard of Filipino time?

According to Fr. Miguel Bernad in one of his essays, Filipino time is a popular phrase coined by Americans in the 1900s due to Filipinos always being late.

This may be applicable to some. But certainly not relevant to most Filipinos. You may even be shocked that your Filipina date will arrive earlier than you expected. So, don’t show up late, expecting her to do the same.

With this, make your date a priority. Be on time. Show up earlier than your agreed schedule. If there’s an unforeseen event, tell her about it immediately. Though a cliche dating advice for guys, this surely is helpful in telling her that you appreciate her time.

Manners, Please

Do you know what attracts women more than appearance? Good manners. So be on your best behavior from start to end.

Ask her parents politely about your upcoming date. Fetch her from her house. Mind your language during your conversation. Talk politely to her. Don’t say something offensive or rude towards her and her culture. Pay the bill after.

All of these things are simple acts but are very crucial. It reflects that you respect your date. Thus, making you more attractive to a Filipino woman.

Lead the Conversation

How do you keep the conversation going?

Having a first date is nerve-wracking. It feels like going to a job interview. But the twist is, you are the interviewer.

As a man who likes your date, there’s a need to lead the conversation. You’ll be afraid that you may bore your date. You may even resort to cliche date questions just to keep the conversation going. Lastly, she might feel that she’s on a job interview more than a date.

However, there’s a way to help you with this. Here is a list of free dating advice to have an interesting conversation:

  • Tell a joke.

Diffuse a tense situation with a good joke. If you’re a funny person, this can come easy. But if not, then you still have a lot of time to prepare. Research for good jokes online. Ask your friends who went on a date with a Filipino woman. Just make sure that your joke is not offensive. This way, everything will go smoothly.

  • Ask open-ended questions.

Know her better with open-ended questions. These are the ones that are not answerable by “yes” or “no.” It is very effective in making the conversation flow naturally. Most importantly, it helps in adding more topics to talk about.

  • Don’t ask uncomfortable questions.

Don’t make her feel like she’s being interrogated. If she answers, listen and take notes. If not, move on to other comfortable questions. Remember, this is a date and not an interrogation.

  • Talk about shared interests.

Does she like traveling as much as you do? Then, talk about it on your date. Doing this is a very heartwarming experience. This also shows that you are someone she can relate to. Thus, making you more connected.

  • Listen. Listen. Listen.

Have you tried talking in front of someone, but then you found them not truly listening? That surely hurts. So, don’t do that to your Filipina date. Maintain eye contact while she’s talking, nod from time to time, and give her the appropriate replies.

Don’t Force Intimacy

You can’t just kiss her whenever you want to, especially on your very first date. It’s rude and disrespectful. Remember to always be polite and on your best behavior from the start and until the end of your date.

Pick up subtle cues that she throws you. You can actually tell by a woman’s body language if she wants to be kissed or not.

Aside from that, if she wants to, she’ll tell you. If not, she will show you all the signs.

If you really can’t tell, ask her. There’s nothing wrong with asking for consent. What’s worse is if you just force intimacy, even if she’s not interested.

A Filipina in a marketplace in Vigan City, Philippines. Make your first date memorable with a Filipina with this dating advice.

Go with the Flow

First dates are always nerve-wracking. You wish for it to go as you planned, so you go online to search for first date tips for guys in hopes of making a good impression on your date.

However, there are a lot of things that could happen beyond your control and where the tips you learned online won’t be of use. In the event that happens, you need to improvise; go with the flow and see where it leads you. Remember, you just need to be yourself. Good luck!

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